When a test flagged as 'todo' starts passing, under the 'prove' harness, the unexpected pass is flagged. The yath harness doesn't flag the unexpected pass. Is there some way to convince yath to behave like prove?
$ cat todo.t
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Test2::V0;
my $todo = todo "Todo tests";
is(1, 2, "FAILING test");
is(1, 1, "PASSING test");
$ prove todo.t
todo.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Test Summary Report
todo.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 0)
TODO passed: 2
Files=1, Tests=2, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.00 sys + 0.07 cusr 0.00 csys = 0.08 CPU)
Result: PASS
$ yath todo.t
** Defaulting to the 'test' command **
( DIAG ) job 1 +-----+----+-------+
( DIAG ) job 1 | GOT | OP | CHECK |
( DIAG ) job 1 +-----+----+-------+
( DIAG ) job 1 | 1 | eq | 2 |
( DIAG ) job 1 +-----+----+-------+
( PASSED ) job 1 todo.t
Yath Result Summary
File Count: 1
Assertion Count: 2
Wall Time: 0.36 seconds
CPU Time: 0.57 seconds (usr: 0.18s | sys: 0.02s | cusr: 0.32s | csys: 0.05s)
CPU Usage: 156%
--> Result: PASSED <--
Verbose output is a little more helpful, but it's, y'know, verbose. If I screw my eyes up I can see the unexpected passing test didn't generate any error diagnostics and that's the only indication.
$ yath -v todo.t
** Defaulting to the 'test' command **
( LAUNCH ) job 1 todo.t
( NOTE ) job 1 Seeded srand with seed '20210410' from local date.
[! PASS !] job 1 + FAILING test
[ DEBUG ] job 1 todo.t line 7
{ TODO } job 1 Todo tests
( DIAG ) job 1 +-----+----+-------+
( DIAG ) job 1 | GOT | OP | CHECK |
( DIAG ) job 1 +-----+----+-------+
( DIAG ) job 1 | 1 | eq | 2 |
( DIAG ) job 1 +-----+----+-------+
[! PASS !] job 1 + PASSING test
{ TODO } job 1 Todo tests
[ PLAN ] job 1 Expected assertions: 2
( MEMORY ) job 1 rss: 24852kB
( MEMORY ) job 1 size: 36640kB
( MEMORY ) job 1 peak: 36640kB
( PASSED ) job 1 todo.t
( TIME ) job 1 Startup: 0.07232s | Events: 0.00119s | Cleanup: 0.00286s | Total: 0.07637s
Yath Result Summary
File Count: 1
Assertion Count: 2
Wall Time: 0.34 seconds
CPU Time: 0.55 seconds (usr: 0.21s | sys: 0.01s | cusr: 0.29s | csys: 0.04s)
CPU Usage: 159%
--> Result: PASSED <--
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