dimanche 11 avril 2021

Test error in jest when using svelte-spa-router

When I add the test by using jest to my project developed by svelte I encountered error in testing. My test component is

<script lang="ts">
  import { push } from "svelte-spa-router";
  let order_id: string = "";
  let confirming: boolean = false;
  let text: string = "Confirming...";

<div class="h-screen background">
  <div class="z-10 py-3 text-center bg-white">
    <img class="m-auto" src="pictures/logo.svg" alt="logo" />
  <div class="flex mt-48">
    <p class="m-auto text-5xl font-bold">{text}</p>

  .background {
    background: #efefef;

But when I delete the line

import {push} from "svelte-spa-router";

The error disappears. My test file is

import { render } from "@testing-library/svelte";
import Confirm from "../../pages/Confirm.svelte";

test("should render", () => {
  const results = render(Confirm);

  expect(() => results.getByText("Confirming...")).not.toThrow();

I hope someone help me.

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