vendredi 30 décembre 2016

How to pass UserIdentity from test in unit testing

I'm trying to write test cases for my web api methods.

 public async Task Get_Message_By_Id()
    var messages = new Messages()
        MessageId = 1,
        Recipient = "1;2;3",
        Subject = "Test Subject",
        MessageText = "test subject"

    var mesBL = new Mock<IMessagesBusinessLogic>();
            .Setup(repo => repo.GetRecivedMessageById(It.IsAny<IWebToken>() ,messages.MessageId))

    var messageController = new MessagesController(mesBL.Object);

    var contentResult = await messageController.GetRecivedMessageById(messages.MessageId) as OkObjectResult; 


I get an error of null reference while GetRecivedMessageById method call.

Controller method;

public async Task<IActionResult> GetRecivedMessageById(int id)
    return Ok(await _messagesBusinessLogic.GetRecivedMessageById(User.GetWebToken(), id));

Here, issue is because, user identity passing NULL.


public static IWebToken GetWebToken(this ClaimsPrincipal principal)
    var identity = principal.Identity as UserIdentity;
    if (identity == null)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(" ");

    return identity.WebToken;

How can we pass it from Test?

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