mardi 28 novembre 2017

Passing more values under same prop name and test it with Jest

I am using Jest and Enzyme to test my React-Mobx app. I have come to a problem where I am accessing different values under the same prop name. As you can see I am accessing different properties under the same FilterssAction prop name.

@inject('RootStore', 'FiltersAction')
class ExpenseListFilters extends Component {
  state = {
    calendarFocused: null

  onDatesChange = ({startDate, endDate}) => {

  onTextChange = (e) => {


When I write my test it fails. I need to pass props to shallow rendered component. So I am passing different values under same. This is not working, I keep getting an error TypeError: _this.props.FiltersAction.setTextFilter is not a function How do I test this?

let setStartDateSpy, setEndDateSpy, setTextFilterSpy, sortByDateSpy, sortByAmountSpy, FiltersStore, wrapper

beforeEach(() => {
  setStartDateSpy = {setStartDate: jest.fn()}
  setEndDateSpy = {setEndDate: jest.fn()}
  setTextFilterSpy = {setTextFilter: jest.fn()}

  FiltersStore = {FiltersStore: {filters: filters}}

  wrapper = shallow(
      FiltersAction = { 
      RootStore = {FiltersStore}

test('should handle text change', () => {
  const value = 'rent'
  wrapper.find('input').at(0).simulate('change', {
    target: {value}

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