lundi 27 novembre 2017

What exactly are "history" and "retries" meant to mean in Allure?

I'm new to Allure. Thus, not everything is too clear to me yet. The documentation, examples and explanations on don't help me understand my question any better:

What are "History" and "Retries" meant to represent?

How I imagine it to be:

Say, I have several testcases of the same testsuite.

1) [Testcase_2017-11-27_15-10-05] 
2) [Testcase_2017-11-27_15-30-13]
3) [Testcase_2017-11-27_15-43-09]

If I clicked on 1), it should have:

History: empty
Retries: 2), 3)

If I clicked on 2), it should have:

History: 1)
Retries: 3)

If I clicked on 3), it should have:

History: 1), 2)
Retries: empty

Is it even possible to get this done this way? Are "History" and "Retries" meant to be understood this way?

I'd be thankful for any helpful comments!

I am using: protractor, jasmine-allure-reporter, allure-commandline

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