jeudi 22 février 2018

Verify JavaScript Method Call Through ScriptEngine

I have a class called JsPlayer that contains a JS script in its fields and has methods that execute functions from that script by name, using ScriptEngine. I'd like to have a test that verifies that when I call player.onReinforcement the relevant function in the javascript is called with the correct parameters.

public void playerReinforcementGetsBoardFromGame(){
    String script = "function " + REINFORCEMENT_JS_FUNCTION_NAME + "(board, soldiers) { return []; }";
    Player player = new JsPlayer(script);
    player.onReinforcement(board, 0);
    // verify REINFORCEMENT_JS_FUNCTION_NAME(board, 0) called 

Here's the simplified method in JsPlayer:

public Iterable<ReinforcementMove> onReinforcement(Board board, int reinforcement) {
    try {
        JSObject result = (JSObject) getInvocableJSEngine().invokeFunction(REINFORCEMENT_JS_FUNCTION_NAME, board, reinforcement);
        return extractMovesFromJSResult(result, ReinforcementMove[].class);
    } catch (ScriptException | NoSuchMethodException e) {

Since the code inside the script runs entirely inside the engine, I can't use classic Mockito verify to solve this. I don't know how to verify that the javascript really received the parameters I sent to it.

NOTE: I can't write a script onReinforcement(board, reinforcement){return board;}, because the method extractMovesFromJSResult expects a specific return type.

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