jeudi 26 avril 2018

Advice on a quicker way to debug EAR (Java web application)?

Currently, I'm trying to debug a monster web application... and it's brutal

Here's the workflow:

  1. Change a couple lines of code
  2. Ant Build (Takes 25 minutes)
  3. Delete tags in JBOSS config file
  4. Start JBOSS
  5. Point JBOSS at the EAR
  6. Open browser to http://localohost:8080/app
  7. Find out the couple of lines of code didn't fix the bug
  8. Cycle and repeat.

Anyone have advice to speed this up?

It literally take me one hour to write a logger.log(statement);

And... we don't have the project properly configured with eclipse, hence the ANT builds and lack of breakpoints.

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