lundi 25 mars 2019

How to mock UUID value when testing ReactJS component using Jest

I have a component which calls an action in its constructor:

this.props.filterGroupCreated({filterGroupId: uuidV1(), dataSource})

When snapshot testing the component, how can mock the uuidV1() value?

At the moment the test looks like this:

import React from "react";
import { shallow } from "enzyme"
import {MultistepFilterSection} from "../../../src/components/MultistepFilter/MultistepFilterSection"

const mockFilterGroupsCreated = jest.fn()

describe("<MultistepFilterSection />", () => {
    let wrapper
    const getAudience = jest.fn()
    const dataSource = "yougov"

    beforeEach(() => {
        wrapper = shallow(
                filterGroupCreated={ mockFilterGroupsCreated}

    it("renders correctly", () => {

    // todo add more test cases!

The snapshot generates a new uuid each time thus resulting in a failing test.

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