jeudi 25 avril 2019

How to run multiple instances of the same test with different data

What I'm using:

  • PHP
  • Codeception
  • Chromedriver

What I'm trying to achieve

I have done a single test for a web application. This test logs in with username:password and answers forms. What I want is to test how much resources this webapp takes with a heavier load of users so I need a way to run the same test multiple times with different username:password from an array.

My intention is to control everything from command line, so I looked into creating a custom commands in codeception and thought about passing a variable (integer) throught command. I'm mentioning this just to know if this is a viable approach for this.

This is the code for the test I have right now:

public function loginSuccessfully(AcceptanceTester $I)








        //takes the number of questions
        $numberOfQuestions = $I->grabTextFrom('//*[@id="yui-main"]/div/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[1]');

        //start exam
        $I->waitForElementNotVisible('//*[@id="oleWaitMessage"]', 200);

        for ($i=$numberOfQuestions; $i > 1 ; $i--) { 

            //Click answer
            $I->waitForElement('//*[@id="rb_0"]', 30);

            //click next
            $I->waitForElementClickable('//*[@id="oleNextItemBtn"]', 30); // secs

            //Click answer
            $I->waitForElement('//*[@id="rb_0"]', 30);

            //submits the exam
            $I->waitForElement('//*[@id="oleSubmitBtn"]', 30);
            $I->waitForElement('//*[@id="yui-gen0-button"]', 30);

Thanks in advance.

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