mardi 30 mars 2021

Validate that NUnit's ITestEventListener within Jenkins Pipeline for a netcoreapp3.1 assembly is called

Locally, I have successfully implemented the interface ITestEventListener within a C# netcoreapp3.1 csproj. However, when the tests are an within a Jenkins Pipeline, things appear to not be working(?).

I am using version 3.12.0 of NUnit.Engine.

By locally I am referring to using 1) Visual Studio Version 16.9.2 to run the tests and 2) command line dotnet test -c devint --test-adapter-path:. --logger:nunit to run the tests. I am getting successful test runs.

Success is my [Extension]public class ReportTestListener : ITestEventListener {...} generates an html file. I am to see the html file is created locally whereas from the Jenkins Pipeline the html file is not generated.

Within the Jenkins Pipeline, I am using the command sh "dotnet test -c ${env.TARGET_ENV} --test-adapter-path:. --logger:nunit" where env.TARGET_ENV resolves to devint. I know tests successfully run within the Jenkins Pipeline since the NUnit test results file is generated/published.

What I am not sure of is how to test/validate that the ReportTestListener is being called within the Jenkins Pipeline. I know that testing frameworks such as NUnit uses refection to identify test classes and methods. I am presuming that also happens with my implementation of [Extension]public class ReportTestListener : ITestEventListener {...}. Ideas/Suggestions on how to validate that ITestEventListener's method void OnTestEvent(string report) is being called besides writing out to disk?

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