vendredi 23 janvier 2015

Behat pressButton not working in laravel 5

This is the tutorial by Jeoffery Way that I am testing

This is the scenario that I am trying to test

Scenario: Adding a new school
When I add a new school with "Narendra School" "This is a cool school"
Then I should see "Add School"
And a school is created

This is my feature context file,

* @When I add a new school with :arg1 :arg2
public function iAddANewSchoolWith($name , $description )
$this->fillField( 'name', $name );
$this->fillField( 'description', $description );

* @Then a school is created
public function aSchoolIsCreated()
$school = School::all();
PHPUnit::assertEquals($school->isEmpty(), false );

This is my html code

<form method="post">
<h2>Add School</h2>

<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{!! Session::getToken() !!}"/>

<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name">
<textarea name="description" placeholder="Description"></textarea>
<button name="register">Register</button>

This is the controller method that i am using to create the object

function create( ) {

if ( \Request::isMethod( 'post' ) ) {

$this->school->add( \Input::all() );// I am using a repository and dependency injection so this code is fine, it will add a school

return view('school::school.add');

When I hit the url, fill the form and hit register in the browser, I save a new school but when I run the test, I cannot seem to create the school. The test is running I can see the html when I do a printLastResponse()

Feature: Testing
In order to teach Behat
As a teacher
I want to add a new school

Scenario: Adding a new school # features\example.feature:6
When I add a new school with "Narendra School" "This is a cool school" # FeatureContext::iAddANewSchoolWith()
Then I should see "Add School" # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
And a school is created # FeatureContext::aSchoolIsCreated()
Failed asserting that false matches expected true.

--- Failed scenarios:


1 scenario (1 failed)
3 steps (2 passed, 1 failed)
0m3.10s (26.24Mb)

This is my terminal log What am I doing wrong?

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