mercredi 21 janvier 2015

IP Adress changing after reverting a snapshot of virtual machine

In my scenario I use a virtual machine with installed Windows 7. Network is configurated by Bridged connection. When I revert to my default snapshot and get an ip address of the virtual machine I begin copy files to a shared folder (which address I compute with ip address). After few seconds virtual machine changes its ip address and path to the shared folder becomes invalid. I suppose that it happens because virtual machine needs some time to refresh its ip address after reverting. I tried to use commands ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew right after virtual machine reverting, but it didn't work.

Is the any ways to force ip address changin, or any way to wait it programmaticaly. Unfortanly we can't use static ip addresses and bridged connection looks as the best way in our envirement.

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