mardi 6 janvier 2015

random testing model in Python

I would like to use a Poisson test function, whereby an event occurs or not according to a given probability p. Python's random module does not seem to have something like this, thus I figured out

  • Turn probability p into a fraction

  • randomly pick an integer.

  • Success is smaller - or - equal to the numerator from a range of integers equal to the denominator.

I, however believe that this is not the most efficient piece of code for the given task. I also doubt about its correctness, nonetheless I think it shoud be if random.randrange(int) works according to uniform distribution.

def poisson_test(p):

'''Poisson test with two possible outcomes, where p is success probability'''

import fractions

import random

from decimal import Decimal

p = Decimal('{0}'.format(p))

p = fractions.Fraction(p)

if random.randrange(p.denominator) <= p.numerator :

return True


return False

Any suggestions???


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