mardi 20 janvier 2015

retryAnalyzer with dependsOnGroups

I have Selenium tests that every once in a while fail, so I want a retryAnalyzer to force the tests to rerun. Now I'm adding some tests dependencies with dependsOnGroups. But if a selenium test fails and passes the second time, the test depending on it will be skipped.

What I want is testRetryAndPass passes once (regardless of it being a retry or not), then I want testDependOnGroup to run. Right now testDependOnGroup is skipped.

The test code:

@Test(dependsOnGroups = "test")
public void testDependOnGroup()
assertTrue( true );

@Test( groups = { "test" }, retryAnalyzer = RetryAnalyzer.class )
public void testRetryAndPass()
if ( RetryAnalyzer.retryCount == 0 )
assertTrue( false );
assertTrue( true );


public class RetryAnalyzer extends TestListenerAdapter implements IRetryAnalyzer
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( RetryAnalyzer.class );

public static int retryCount = 0;
public static final int MAX_RETRIES = 1;

public boolean retry( ITestResult result )
{ "Running retry for " + result.getMethod() );
boolean retryFunction = false;
if ( retryCount < MAX_RETRIES )
retryFunction = true;

return retryFunction;

I will gladly answer any questions you may have.

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