I need to mock HTTP calls when testing my Meteor app using http://ift.tt/1ELI7Gv
I found http://ift.tt/1OIUX09 but including it in my app using http://ift.tt/13IeydK and with the following test code gives me an error...
vcr = Meteor.npmRequire('nock-vcr-recorder-mocha')
log "VCR!",vcr
describe "Interpret data", ->
vcr.it "should work", ->
# http call
W20150327-17:25:33.820(1)? (STDERR) TypeError: Cannot read property 'test' of undefined W20150327-17:25:33.821(1)? (STDERR) at getCassetteName (/Users/fredrikbranstrom/Sites/kaus/.meteor/local/isopacks/npm-container/npm/node_modules/nock-vcr-recorder-mocha/lib/it.js:30:24) W20150327-17:25:33.821(1)? (STDERR) at /Users/fredrikbranstrom/Sites/kaus/.meteor/local/isopacks/npm-container/npm/node_modules/n
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