mercredi 29 avril 2015

Javascript Jasmine Testing: Prevent tested function to call function from object that was created within tested function

I want to test a Javascript function with Jasmine that has a structure like this:

showEditUser: function (...) {
    // more code here...
    var editUserView = new EditUserView();
    // more code here...

editUserView.generate() causes an error. That does not matter because I don't want to test it. But how can I prevent it from being called?

EditUserView is a RequireJS Module that extends another Module called BaseView. The function generate() is defined in BaseView. There are other Modules that extend BaseView and I want all of them not to call generate while testing. How can I do that with Jasmine? It seems not to be possible with spyOn(...).and.callFake() because I don't have the editUserView Object when calling the function. Is there kind of a static way to tell Jasmine to callFake() the function generate in BaseView?

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