How do I spoof the referrer for all requests made from a site routed through a browser-sync proxy?
I want requests to google maps api and others to appear to come from my actual domain and not the proxy server that browser-sync sets up.
module.exports = {
"server": false,
proxy: {
target: "",
reqHeaders: function (config) {
return {
"referer": "",
"port": 3000,
"ghostMode": {
"clicks": true,
"scroll": true,
"location": false,
"forms": {
"submit": true,
"inputs": true,
"toggles": true
"logLevel": "info",
"logPrefix": "BS",
"logConnections": false,
"logFileChanges": true,
"logSnippet": true,
"open": "external",
"browser": "default",
"xip": false,
"hostnameSuffix": false,
"notify": true,
"scrollProportionally": true,
"scrollThrottle": 0,
"reloadDelay": 0,
"injectChanges": true,
"startPath": null,
"minify": true,
"host": null,
"codeSync": true,
"timestamps": true,
"socket": {
"path": "/browser-sync/",
"clientPath": "/browser-sync",
"namespace": "/browser-sync"
"debugInfo": true
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