mardi 7 juillet 2015

Arquillian with Mockito and CDI

Is it possible to create spy(mock) object in testing class?

Here is tested class.

public class UserDao {

    private TestBean testBean;

    public String mock() {
    return testBean.mock();

public String notMock() {
    return testBean.notMock();

TestBean code

public class TestBean {

    public String notMock() {
        return "NOT MOCK";

    public String mock() {
        return "IMPLEMENTED MOCK";

Here's my test

public class UserDataTest {

    public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();

    private UserDao userDao;

    protected static Archive createWar() {

        File[] dependencies = Maven.configureResolver()
                .withRemoteRepo("nexus-remote", "", "default")
                .withRemoteRepo("nexus-release", "", "default")

        return ShrinkWrap
                .create(WebArchive.class, "pass.jpa.war")

public void testMock() {
    assertEquals("MOCK", userDao.mock());

public void testNotMock() {
    assertEquals("NOT MOCK", userDao.notMock());

I'd like to create a spy object on TestBean to change result on method test() of this bean.

So is it possible to create TestBean spy in UserDao.

I solve some problems through producer like this.

public class MockFactory {

    public TestBean getTestBean() {
        return when(mock(TestBean.class).mock()).thenReturn("MOCK").getMock();

But in this example I need create on Bean completely on my own. And if it is bean with additional dependencies and thus i will manage all dependencies.

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