mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Protractor - Verify that element exist

i am using some kind of angular filter of a table and i need to verify if results from filter is correct.

I already work with this table before, where I click on element:

element.all(by.xpath('.//td[.="89" and @class="ultranarrow ng-binding"]')).click();

this basicly click on element where <td> have value 89. I need to verify that this number is still there after I enter for example number 8 to filter So i write this:

expect(element.all(by.xpath('.//td[.="89" and @class="ultranarrow ng-binding"]')).isPresent()).toBe(true);

Unfortunately I get an error:

Object [object Object] has no method 'isPresent'

I didn't find any other method how to verify if something exist, is there some problem in syntax or is there any other method which can replace isPresent?

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