jeudi 2 juillet 2015

Want to add attribute to Unit Test to determine if database should initialize

So in my unit tests i need to test queries to a database (no i am not mocking these, as i need to check they get the correct data), normal methods that do not contact a database at all and some methods that i can use a mock to the database.

To cope with the database unit tests, i created a class called DbUnitTest, which each unit test class (for a service) can inherit from if it needs to connect to a database.

This class looks like so

public abstract class DbUnitTest
    protected IDataContext _context;

    public void TestInit()
        _context = new DataContext();

        // drop if exists
        if (_context.Database.Exists())

        // initialize
        System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new ForceDeleteInitializer(new DbUnitTestInitializer()));



This works, and for each test it deletes the database and creates a new one. I can then insert whatever data i want within each unit test and check that the data is correct.

But now some of my service classes that i am unit testing, do not need a real database, so it seems pointless to delete the database, initialize it etc etc as this takes time.

I thought maybe i could create an attribute against each test, like UseDb and UseMock. Then in my base DbUnitTest class, i could change the method to something like this

public abstract class DbUnitTest
    protected IDataContext _dbContext;
    protected Mock<IDataContext> _mockContext;

    public void TestInit()
        // How do i check for an attribute here??
        if (method has UseDb attribute)
            _dbContext = new DataContext();

            // drop if exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.Exists())

            // initialize
            System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new ForceDeleteInitializer(new DbUnitTestInitializer()));


        if (UseMock attribute)
            // mock context
            _mockContext = new Mock<IDataContext>();


But i am unsure of how, or if it is possible to determine if the current unit test method that is running contains a particular attribute?

This would then give me the benefit of each test being able to either create a new database or use a mock.

Can anyone help me.

Btw, i know i could really split the Unit Test classes up into 2 files, but thought this would keep all tests for a service in one place and offers flexibility.

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