lundi 30 novembre 2015

Testing Lavavel Event Listener

I'm trying to test Event Listener in Laravel. This is my listener:

class FlashNotifier

    public function handleMenuItemWasStored()
        Session::flash('flash-status', 'success');
        Session::flash('flash-message', 'Item was stored.');

    public function subscribe($events)

And this is the test I came up so far:

public function testEventListenerWasTriggered()
    $listener = Mockery::mock('App\Listeners\Menu\FlashNotifier');
    $d = new Dispatcher;

However, I get the following exception:

Mockery\Exception\InvalidCountException: Method     handleMenuItemWasStored() 
from Mockery_1_App_Listeners_Menu_FlashNotifier 
should be called  exactly 1 times but called 0 times.

What am I doing wrong?

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