lundi 25 janvier 2016

Why is Scala 'match' stuck in a forever loop

I'm trying to find out if numbers are descending within a list in Scala. When I run my test cases, the console prints an arbitrary list and never completes, making me think it's stuck in a forever loop.

The function isDescending must take a list as a parameter, and must return a boolean. We must use recursion and cannot use functions from the collections package.


  def isDescending(lst: List[Int]): Boolean ={
    isDescendingHelper(lst, 0, true)

  def isDescendingHelper(lst: List[Int], prev: Int, begin: Boolean): Boolean = {
    lst match{
      case Nil =>  true
      case head :: tail => {
        if (begin){
          isDescendingHelper(lst, head, false)
        } else if (head <= prev){
          isDescendingHelper(lst, head, false)
        } else {

Test Cases:

  test("isDescending test case"){
    assert(isDescending(List(0, 0, 0)))
    assert(isDescending(List(3, 6, 8)))
    assert(isDescending(List(3, 6, 8 , 7)) == false)

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