jeudi 25 février 2016

SOATest value Assertion failed for data source lookup

I am using parasoft SOATest to test a service response and I got a failure Message: DataSource: products (row 1): Value Assertion: For element "../item", expected: abc but was: bcd

My Requirement is to validate the following response.

    "samples" : {
        "prds" : [

And I have a datasource table which is like follows. First row as the column name.

  1. prds
  2. abc
  3. bcd

In the SOATest I have a JSON Assertor and inside JSON Assertor I have configured a Value Assertion. In the Value Assertion I selected the first item and then in the next step I selected Apply to all "item[*]". Then Finish.

In the Expected Value I select Parameterized and select the prds from the drop down menu.

After all when the service return the above payload it failed with the above given message.

Is this a bug/limitation of SOATest or am I missing some step in here.

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