mercredi 2 mars 2016

Mockserver not responding running over https

My mockserver is running on a apache https connector over port 8443. But when I try to load the expectation using the following it does nothing. However when I use http connector it works like a charm.

new MockServerClient(ip, Integer.parseInt(port), contextPath) .when(request, times, timeToLive) .respond(response);

Based on my understanding it will use the http connector so I also tried

MockServerClient client = new MockServerClient(ip, Integer.parseInt(port), contextPath); HttpForward httpForward = new HttpForward() .withHost(ip) .withPort(Integer.parseInt(port)) .withScheme(HttpForward.Scheme.HTTPS);

        // when
        ForwardChainExpectation forwardChainExpectation = client.when(request);

What am I missing? Can the mock server work over a https connector?

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