module Main where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Set as Set
data Edge v = Edge {source :: v, target :: v}
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
data Graph v = Graph {nodes :: Set v, edges :: Set (Edge v)}
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary v => Int-> Arbitrary (Edge v) where
arbitrary = sized aux
where aux n = do s <- arbitrary
t <- arbitrary `suchThat` (/= s)
return $ Edge {source = s, target = t}
instance (Ord v, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Graph v) where
arbitrary = aux `suchThat` isValid
where aux = do ns <- arbitrary
es <- arbitrary
return $ Graph {nodes = fromList ns, edges = fromList es}
This current definition of the instance is generating graphs with few edges, how do I alter it so it's less biased and it satisfies these two functions? :
-- | The function 'isDAG' tests if the graph is acyclic.
isDAG :: Ord v => Graph v -> Bool
isDAG g = isValid g && all nocycle (nodes g)
where nocycle v = all (\a -> v `notMember` reachable g a) $ target (adj g v)
-- | The function 'isForest' tests if a valid DAG is a florest (a set of trees), in other words, -- if every edge has a maximum of one adjacent.
isForest :: Ord v => DAG v -> Bool
isForest g = isDAG g && all (\v -> length (adj g v) <= 1) (nodes g)
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