I have the following test. There are three it
blocks. The first one doesn't use shoulda
unlike the other two.
If I don't use the before
block with post :create, product: attrs
then the first test fails as expected. But If I put the before
block there then the first test fails, but the other two pass. I have a uniqueness validation on product name, but that shouldn't be the problem as I'm using sequence with factory.
What should I do? How should I generally setup the data for testing when there are rspec and shoulda matchers present at the same time?
describe "when user logged in" do
before(:each) do
login_user #logged in user is available by calling @user
context "POST create" do
context "with valid attributes" do
let!(:profile) { create(:profile, user: @user) }
let!(:industry) { create(:industry) }
let!(:attrs) { attributes_for(:product, user_id: @user.id, industry_ids: [ industry.id ]).merge(
product_features_attributes: [attributes_for(:product_feature)],
product_competitions_attributes: [attributes_for(:product_competition)],
product_usecases_attributes: [attributes_for(:product_usecase)]
) }
it "saves the new product in the db" do
expect{ post :create, product: attrs }.to change{ Product.count }.by(1)
#If I don't use this the 2 tests below fail. If I use it, then the test above fails.
# before do
# post :create, product: attrs
# end
it { is_expected.to redirect_to product_path(Product.last) }
it { is_expected.to set_flash.to('Product got created!') }
factory :product, class: Product do
#name { Faker::Commerce.product_name }
sequence(:name) { |n| "ABC_#{n}" }
company { Faker::Company.name }
website { 'https://example.com' }
oneliner { Faker::Lorem.sentence }
description { Faker::Lorem.paragraph }
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