The Story:
We've been using a custom jasmine matcher to expect an element to have a hand/pointer cursor:
beforeEach(function() {
toHaveHandCursor: function() {
return {
compare: function(actual) {
return {
pass: actual.getCssValue("cursor").then(function(cursor) {
return cursor === "pointer";
It works great and makes the tests readable:
The problem:
When the expectation fails, currently we get a completely unreadable huge chunk of red text on the console in a form:
- Expected ElementFinder({ ptor_: Protractor({ getProcessedConfig: Function, forkNewDriverInstance: Function, restart: Function, controlFlow: Function, schedule: Function, setFileDetector: Function, getSession: Function, getCapabilities: Function, quit: Function, actions: Function, touchActions: Function, executeScript: Function, executeAsyncScript: Function, call: Function, wait: Function, sleep: Function, getWindowHandle: Function, getAllWindowHandles: Function, getPageSource: Function, close: Function, getCurrentUrl: Function, getTitle: Function, findElementInternal_: Function, findElementsInternal_ ... 10 minutes of scrolling ... , click: Function, sendKeys: Function, getTagName: Function, getCssValue: Function, getAttribute: Function, getText: Function, getSize: Function, getLocation: Function, isEnabled: Function, isSelected: Function, submit: Function, clear: Function, isDisplayed: Function, getOuterHtml: Function, getInnerHtml: Function, getId: Function, getRawId: Function, serialize: Function, takeScreenshot: Function }) to have hand cursor.
The Question:
Why is it happening? How can we improve the matcher and output a user-friendly error instead? Something like:
Expected 'auto' to be equal to 'pointer' cursor value.
From what I understand, we would need to provide a message
value for a custom matcher, but I'm not completely sure how to pass an actual element's cursor
CSS value into the message.
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