I am currently working with the below script below and trying to get it to run on several machines.
I have ran it perfectly fine on 2 machines however when running on another 3 I am getting a lot of output paths to almost everything not even being called for by -Include
Stomped since it works fine for 2 machines but not for the rest.
Get-ChildItem B:\, C:\, E:\, F:\, G:\, H:\, I:\, J:\, K:\, L:\, M:\, Q:\ -Force `
-Include "*.pdf", "*.xls",".txt", ".html", "*.txt" -Recurse -EA Silentlycontinue |
Foreach-Object { $_.Fullname } |
Out-File "C:\LOGS\PATHFINDER$(Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss).txt" -Width 1024
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