lundi 25 juillet 2016

i/o intensive java application speeds up on docker on limited resources

I've got an I/O-intensive java tomcat application where I want to execute htmlunit-tests in a more modern, clustered environment. I therefore also took docker into account which may provide cool features by applying swarm and so on.

The tests runs against a oracle db and creates traffic also on the local I/O. I'm just curious about one question:

When I run the tests using a plain install of the product with limited resources (load15 factor raises above 2 on a 1 CPU system) the test execution time is ~35% faster than on the same environment (limited resources) using a dockerized approach of the test execution. If enough resources are there to keep the load factor below 1 (on a 1 CPU system), the running times between plain install and dockerized install is nearly the same.

I'm looking for ways to explain this. Is it about some overlay filesystem caching mechanisms? Where to look at, when investigating this?

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