im trying to write tests for my directive ill start by explaining what it does: the directive wraps an element, or written as an attribute the directive is written like this:
<md-button has-permission="!UpdateHotelStaticDetails" action-type="disable"
<custom-icon="save" size="24"></custom-icon> Save
OR like this:
<add-button-component title="Add New Group" on-add-new="$ctrl.addNewGroup()"
has-permission="!ManageGroups" action-type="disable"
the action-type is non essential. if no action-type is specified then is the user has the permission the element will be shown. if action-type="disable" is set the if user dosent have the permission the element will be disabled
in the second case my directive is attached to the rendered html by the add-button-component and should disable the button.
now the js code:
module.exports = function (app) {
'use strict';
app.directive('hasPermission', hasPermission);
var actionTypes = {
hide: 'hide',
disable: 'disable'
hasPermission.$inject = ['userService', 'loggerService'];
function hasPermission(userService, loggerService) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
//Checking if attribute "has-permission" value is a string AT THE HTML
if (!_.isString(attrs.hasPermission)) {
loggerService.logWarn('hasPermission value at Html attribute must be a string');
//@value - permission name
//@notPermissionFlag - true if user not premitted.
var value = attrs.hasPermission.trim();
var notPermissionFlag = value[0] === '!';
if (notPermissionFlag) {
value = value.slice(1).trim();
each new logging to system, @rootscope event is fired 'permissionsChanged'.
scope.$on('permissionsChanged', toggleVisibilityBasedOnPermission);
function toggleVisibilityBasedOnPermission() {
var hasPermission = userService.hasPermission(value); //getting permission from service
* Value notPermissionFlag hasPermission result
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Edit (show html if user has "edit permission") | false | true | show *
* Edit (show html if user dosent have "edit permission") | false | false | hide *
* !Edit(show html if user has "edit permission") | true | true | hide *
* !Edit(show html if user dosent have "edit permission") | true | false | show *
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
if (!hasPermission && !notPermissionFlag || hasPermission && notPermissionFlag) {
if (attrs.actionType) {
attrs.actionType.toLowerCase() === actionTypes.disable ? attrs.$set('disabled', 'disabled') : false;
attrs.actionType.toLowerCase() === actionTypes.disable ? element.find('button').attr('disabled', 'disabled') : false;
} else {
this works on the app. ive tried testing it like this:
describe('hasPermission', function() {
var self = {},
var $rootScope, $compile;
beforeEach(angular.mock.module(function($provide) {
$provide.constant('configurationService', {
function injectFn($injector, _$controller_, _$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
loggerService = $injector.get('loggerService');
configurationService = $injector.get("configurationService");
userService = $injector.get("userService");
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$compile = _$compile_;
* helper function gets html as string compiles and returns element;
* @param htmlCode (String)
* @returns (object) compiledElement
function getCompiledElement(htmlCode) {
var element = angular.element(htmlCode);
var compiledElement = $compile(element)($rootScope);
return compiledElement;
it('should get a UpdateHotelStaticDetails permission and show the inner button', function() {
var element = getCompiledElement('<button has-permission id="permissionBtn" permission="UpdateHotelStaticDetails">Save</button>');
var x = element.find('button');
var xx = document.getElementById('permissionBtn');
}); });
honestly i have no idea how to test this. tried reading some material but most of the uses i see is getting the element and compiling it but when i search for the button in the spec i find nothing. i have very little idea how should i test this
Should i even test this kind of functionality in unit tests? shouldn't this be done in e2e tests? i would like to verify 4 cases. 1. exsiting permission should show the element and it should be clickable 2. non exsiting permission should hide the element 3. non exsiting permission should disable the element
thanks for all the help. (before posting this question i went through all of the simillar questions that popped)
EDIT: my spec was wrong
it('should get a UpdateHotelStaticDetails permission and disable the inner button', function() {
var element = getCompiledElement('<div><button has-permission="!UpdateHotelStaticDetails">Save</button></div>');
var button = element.find('button');
it('should get a UpdateHotelStaticDetails permission and show the inner button', function() {
var element = getCompiledElement('<button has-permission="UpdateHotelStaticDetails">Save</button>');
var button = element.find('button');
these tests pass and work.
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