dimanche 18 septembre 2016

cant update jasmine spy

Hi I have a Angular service that uses another service that loads data from the local storage on init.

    .factory('localStorage', function ($window)
        if (!$window.localStorage)
            // throw Error

        return $window.localStorage;

    .factory('session', function (localStorage)
        var container = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sessionContainer'));

        return {
            getUser: getUser

Now i want to test the session service.

    describe('SessionService', function ()
        var service;
        var localStorageMock;

         // Load the module.

        // Create mocks.
        beforeEach(function ()
            logMock = {};

            localStorageMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('localStorageServiceMockSpy', ['setItem', 'getItem']);

            module(function ($provide)
                $provide.value('localStorage', localStorageMock);

            inject(function (_session_)
                service = _session_;

        it('should call `getItem` on the `localStorageService` service', function ()

        describe('getUser method', function ()
            it('should return an empty object when the user is not set', function ()
                var result = service.getUser();


            it('should return the user data', function ()
                // localStorageMock.getItem.and.returnValue('{"user":{"some":"data"}}');

                var result = service.getUser();

                expect(result).toEqual({some: 'user data'});


As you can see in the should return the user data section. I need a way to update the container so getUser returns the expected data.

I tried to update the getItem spy, but this does not work. The localStorageMock is already injected in the session service when i want to change the spy.

Any help?

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