dimanche 18 septembre 2016

Generating list of lists with custom value limitations

The Story:

Currently, I have a function-under-test that expects a list of lists of integers with the following rules:

  1. number of sublists (let's call i N) can be from 1 to 50
  2. number of values inside sublists is the same for all sublists (rectangular form) and should be >= 0 and <= 5
  3. values inside sublists cannot be more than or equal to the total number of sublists. In other words, each value inside a sublist is an integer >= 0 and < N

Sample valid inputs:

[[2, 1], [2, 0], [3, 1], [1, 0]]
[[1], [0]]

Sample invalid inputs:

[[2]]  # 2 is more than N=1 (total number of sublists)
[[0, 1], [2, 0]]  # 2 is equal to N=2 (total number of sublists)

I'm trying to approach it with property-based-testing and generate different valid inputs with hypothesis library and trying to wrap my head around lists() and integers(), but cannot make it work:

  • the condition #1 is easy to approach with lists() and min_size and max_size arguments
  • the condition #2 is covered under Chaining strategies together
  • the condition #3 is what I'm struggling with - cause, if we use the rectangle_lists from the above example, we don't have a reference to the length of the "parent" list

The Question:

How can I limit the integer values inside sublist to be less than the total number of sublists?

Will edit and provide my current attempts shortly

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