mercredi 14 septembre 2016

Using a single JIRA Task ticket or create Sub-Tasks

We are using JIRA to work with a team of Developers and a QA team. Currently the 'Dev Team Leader' creates a 'Task' ticket, assigns it to the development member, who work on that ticket and then informs the JIRA ticket number to the QA team, who create a separate QA ticket for testing it. And of the test is pass or failed they inform the DEV team, who either fix it or change the ticket status to 'In Deploy'.

My question is as follows:

  1. Should they create single ticket and use that to do the Development and Testing ? (ie. shift the ticket between the DEV Team and QA Team)

  2. Should the DEV team create a Parent TASK ticket for Development and then assign it to the QA team, who will create a Sub-Task for the Testing and link it to the Parent Development ticket?


  1. We need to identify which team member worked on the development task?
  2. Which team member worked on the Testing ?
  3. How much of tie spent on Development as a whole?
  4. How much of time spent on Testing as a whole?

What is the best way of doing this ?

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