I need to mock some static methods, that's fine so far and can be done like this:
public class PlayersAllViewModelTest {
// mock objects
private PlayersAllContextHandler mContextHandler;
private PlayersAllAdapter mAdapter;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
//define mocks
mContextHandler = mock(PlayersAllContextHandler.class);
mAdapter = mock(PlayersAllAdapter.class);
public void check_init_requests_are_done() throws Exception {
// create instance of viewmodel
new PlayersAllViewModel(mContextHandler, mAdapter);
// check dataservice is requested for method 'getAllPlayers()'
Now i need to test the behavior for a given response (success() / failure()) answered in a callback. The normal way to do so is like this:
// define mock answer
doAnswer(new Answer<MyCallback<String>>() {
public MyCallback answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
MyCallback<Player> callback = (MyCallback<Player>) invocation.getArguments()[0];
callback.onFailure(new UnsupportedOperationException());
return null;
}).when(>>mocked class instance<<).myTestMethod(any(MyCallback.class));
Because is want to call a static method, i can't do it like that so. There's no mocked instance of a class that could fill the gap :(
Does anybody know what's the correct way to do it?
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