mardi 2 mai 2017

Should be database mocks centralized?

I am new to testing and i do not have experience with mocks, but i watch some videos and have a question.

For example, i have this kind of test, where i test if the CustomerController.DoSomething() method, which is internally calling CustomerRepository.GetCustomer() is rendering the right view.

public void ShouldRenderDefaultView()
    // Arrange
    Mock<ICustomerRepository> mock = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();
    mock.Setup(m => m.GetCustomer).Returns(new Customer {
                    Id = 5,
                    FirstName = "William",
                    LastName = "Shakespear"
                    Profession = "Artist"
                    NumberOfWomen = 3
                    NumberOfMeetingsPerWeek = 99999999

    CustomerController controller = new CustomerController(mock.Object);
    // Action
    var result = controller.DoSomething() as ViewResult;
    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual("DoSomething", result.ViewName);

the issue i have is, that for each test everyone can mock/fake database data but if the real query output will change (for example removing a column Profession or adding some database constraint that NumberOfMeetingsPerWeek cant be more than 7) then there will be a need to update many fake implementations.

so the question is, what about to have predefined mocks for example

    class WilliamShakespearCustomer : ICustomer
        public void WilliamShakespearCustomer()
           FirstName = "William";
           LastName = "Shakespear";
           // etc...

      public string FirstName;
      public string LastName;
      // etc ...

and the new test can now use this predefined mock customer and im sure that every test use this customer configuration which is valid against database.

    public void ShouldRenderDefaultView()
        // Arrange
        Mock<ICustomerRepository> mock = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();
        mock.Setup(m => m.GetCustomer).Returns(new WilliamShakespearCustomer()});

        CustomerController controller = new CustomerController(mock.Object);
        // Action
        var result = controller.DoSomething() as ViewResult;
        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual("DoSomething", result.ViewName);

Is this valid concern or it is not a real problem iam thinking about ?

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