vendredi 28 juillet 2017

NUnit - Running specific test case using testcase attribute through command line

I want to run the below test case through nunit console using command line.`

class ListCities : Test.HelperClasses.Testbase
 [TestCase(Category="smoke",TestName = "TC1", Description = "dessciption")]
        public void SearchCity()

I tried the command --test=Test.HelperClasses.Testbase.ListCities.TC1. But i want to execute the test using only testname(TC1) attribute and not along with the namespace(Test.HelperClasses.Testbase) and class name(ListCities).

Below is the pyhton code to execute the test case using nunit console os.system("Call "+NunitPath+" "+dllPath+" -- test=Test.HelperClasses.Testbase.ListCities.TC1 --result="+resultPath)

Thanks in advance

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