lundi 28 août 2017

Angular2 integration testing, how to test a child component that calls its parent's method in its template

I have a child component that has events in its template such as:

<a (click)="parent.onClick()"></a>

Normally when I go about testing events in angular2, I would do something like:

      it('', () => {
            let menu = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector('a');

with setup that looks something like:

 BeforeEach(async(() => {
                    declarations: [ChildComponent]
                    providers: [ParentComponent]

But in the case of the calling the parent's method in the child's template, the .click(); never calls the parent's method. If I move the logic into the child component, the test will of course work, however, I was wondering if there was way to test the click event as it is currently setup.

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