jeudi 24 août 2017

Java and Spira integration duplications

i have a project which integrates with Spira (

As discribed in documentation, in each test case you should add the spira anotation like so:

Test Case #1

package com.test.ui.test_suites.TS_01;

import ....

        url= Spira.SPIRA_URL,
        login= Spira.SPIRA_LOGIN,
        password= Spira.SPIRA_PASSWORD,
        projectId= Spira.SPIRA_PROJECT_ID,
        releaseId = Spira.SPIRA_RELEASE_ID

public class TC_1 extends BaseTestCase {

    @SpiraTestCase(testCaseId = Spira.TC_1)
    public void test(){}

Test Case #2

package com.test.ui.test_suites.TS_01;

import ....

        url= Spira.SPIRA_URL,
        login= Spira.SPIRA_LOGIN,
        password= Spira.SPIRA_PASSWORD,
        projectId= Spira.SPIRA_PROJECT_ID,
        releaseId = Spira.SPIRA_RELEASE_ID

public class TC_2 extends BaseTestCase {

    @SpiraTestCase(testCaseId = Spira.TC_2)
    public void test(){}

But, if i have 200 Test Cases, the @SpiraTestXXXXXX annotations have to be duplicated 200 times.

Is there any other sollution i can implement to prevent this duplications??

Thank you

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