lundi 25 décembre 2017

Angular2/ionic2 testing: expected spy push to have been called

I am currently testing an ionic application. The problem is that the test fails, the error log is: "Expected spy push to have been called.". I really do not know why it does not work since I can get the element and I can click it. The console log does display that the size is. This means that it does contain that one button.



<ion-content class="master">
    <div class="loginWindow">
        <ion-label fixed>Sign in</ion-label>
        <ion-label fixed>Email</ion-label>
        <ion-input type="email" name="email"></ion-input>

        <ion-label fixed>Password</ion-label>
        <ion-input type="password" name="password"></ion-input>
        <div padding>
          <button ion-button (click)="doLogin()" id="loginButton" class="loginButtons" color="avioBlue" block>Sign in</button> <-- this is the button 

And as for the test file:

it('should be able to navigate to home page', () => {

    let navCtrl = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(NavController);
    spyOn(navCtrl, 'push');

    const buttons = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css("button"));
    de = buttons[0];
    de.triggerEventHandler('click', null);


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