vendredi 22 décembre 2017

scalamock and Skinny - overriding method addAttributeForCreation

I'm developing over Play 2.6.7, Skinny framework 2.5.0, Scalike 3.1.0 and scalamock 4.0.0.

My problem: I have a support class that extends of SkinnyCRUDMapper.

trait PersonSupport extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Person]

The test has this declaration:

val personSupportMock = stub[PersonSupport]

When I wanna to run the test, it returns the following error:

Error:(16, 32) overriding method addAttributeForCreation in trait NoIdCUDFeature of type (namedValue: => (scalikejdbc.SQLSyntax, Any))services.PersonServiceTest.$anon.type;
 method addAttributeForCreation has incompatible type
  val personSupportMock = stub[PersonSupport]

Any idea of can I solve this problem?



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