mardi 20 mars 2018

get two divs by class name in karma test (Angular 4.0)

I have something like this in view:

 <div class="header-title">Example title 1</div>

 <div class="header-title">Example title 2</div>

In my karma test I would like to investigate all divs by class name and check if inner text is correct so I have following code in test:

debugTest = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.header-title'));
elementTest = debugTest.nativeElement;

it('should component div has a correct value', () => {
    const content = elementTest.textContent;
    expect(content).toContain('Example Title 1');

Following code works but I always get a first dom with .header-title class. How to exctract next one? What if I have 20 divs with the same class name how to test them all?

Thanks for help,

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