samedi 10 mars 2018

SoapUI Assertions - either XPath or Contains Assertion would be fine

Sample response below. I want to check the existence of a specific error code (860) in the response below. Technically, to avoid picking the error up accidentally in a reference number, I need to be checking it is in the bit labelled < code >860< /code > (inserted spaces so it would show).

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:activatePortResponse xmlns:ns2="">
         <return som="6001365" state="Approved">
                  <description>The Port cannot be activated outside the ready for service dateTime window (grace period taken into account).</description>

I was trying to build a set of calls with expected error results to check the the error responses are returned as they should. Going through all the usual garbage messages that meant nothing to me, I just kept tweaking.

Turned out I could use a Contains method and just paste in more, rather than just 860 or even < code >860< /code > I just had to paste in a bigger chunk like this:

          <description>The Port cannot be activated outside the ready for service dateTime window (grace period taken into account).</description>

So I have a solution, but if anyone wants to show me how to do it with XPath, in a less hamfisted way, that would be cool.

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