mardi 20 mars 2018

Unable to locate an element which has only two attributes

Screenshot of the requirement

I need to locate this element in my script, however i am unable to locate it with all the below possibilities.

1.//*[@class ='tabnavbar_subnav_level2_link' and contains(text(),'transactionHistory')]

2.//*[@class ='tabnavbar_subnav_level2_link' and ends-with(@href,'History.tpz')]

3.//*[@class ='tabnavbar_subnav_level2_link' and ends-with(. ,'History.tpz')]

4.//a[substring(@href, string-length(@href) - 3) = 'TransactionHistory.tpz']

As i try to run my script this takes me to the catch block.

Can anybody please help !

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