mercredi 7 mars 2018

VueJS automation - Test Cafe vs. Nightwatch - Pros/Cons

I am looking at creating automation test cases for a VueJS application that will be supported across several different desktop browsers and mobile (iOS and Android) browsers. I have came across several options including Protractor, Test Cafe, Nightwatch, and Cypress. Cypress is only supported with Chrome browsers so I won't be able to use that, and Protractor seems more geared towards testing of Angular applications. So I am looking for feedback from people who have used Test Cafe or Nightwatch.


  1. Which of the 2 tools do you find better and why?
  2. I have heard that Nightwatch support isn't that great? Does anyone have experience with this where they could confirm or deny?
  3. What are the pros/cons of one vs. the other? (Selenium Based vs. Not doesn't matter to me)
  4. Does either support mobile browser testing?
  5. Did anyone have any issues with either that stopped you from using it and going with another approach?

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