lundi 2 juillet 2018

Uncle Bob's Clean architecture layers communication and docker

So, clean architecture is about dependency inversion, decoupling, test-ability, and all that stuff.

Say I have the following layers:

Presentation and Persistence (two separate layers but at the top) -> Data Processing -> Domain/Use cases

So, say I want to use docker and make service that takes a CSV, processes it, then sends some results to an email address, then persists it in a database.

The idea is, the Presentation layer is a simple flask app that the CSV file can be uploaded to. The CSV file is sent to the Data Processing layer, and from there the the data is acted upon via the use cases defined in the Domain layer. Once that is done, it is the data is sent to the Persistence layer.

I want to utilise the clean architecture with Docker -which supports the micro service architecture very well.

I want to know, though, how the communication between the layers will be. For instance, you have the uploaded CSV, does each layer have an API as the interactors for the data to go the next layer and on to the persistance at the end?

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