dimanche 23 septembre 2018

Is it necessary to write tests for single-line API wrapper functions?

I'm utilizing Google's API in my own project. I figure it'll make my own code more readable by wrapping some API functions in one-line wrappers. But I am not sure to which extent should I write tests for this wrappers.

On one hand, I understand that I can't control how Google API changes/hehaves in the future. On the other hand, since all I do is wrap the API functions, testing those wrappers basically aligns with testing the API function calls that are wrapped, which have been done when Google ship them. Then I find myself writing some tests just to confirm the returns from the wrappers have the right class. I think I must have done something wrong here.

So my question is, is it necessary to test those wrappers? If so, to what extent? If not, why?

These are the wrappers:

def get_client_id_from(credentials_path)

def create_token_store_with_path(token_store_path)
  Google::Auth::Stores::FileTokenStore.new(file: token_store_path)

def create_authorizer_with_client_id_and_token_within_scope(client_id, token_store, scope)
  #the order of google's arguments doesn't sound right
  Google::Auth::UserAuthorizer.new(client_id, scope, token_store)

These are the tests for wrappers:

# test.rb
test "should generate a token store" do 
  test_token = create_token_store_with_path(@token_path)
  assert_instance_of(Google::Auth::Stores::FileTokenStore, test_token)

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