vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Using pytest_addoptions in a non-root

I have a project that has the following structure:

+-- src/
|   |
|   +-- proj/
|       |
|       +--
|       +--
|       +-- tests/
|           |
|           +--
|           +--
|           +--
+-- doc/
+-- pytest.ini

The importable package proj lives under the src directory. Tests are installed along with it, in the proj.tests sub-package. The code, the tests themselves, and the installation all work fine. However, I have trouble passing options to the tests.

I have an option, --plots, that is defined in (under Project/src/proj/tests/), which creates a .plots/ folder in the root folder and places some graphical debugging there:

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption("--plots", action="store_true", default=False)

There are two different ways I'd like to have to run this test:

  1. The first is from the command line, in the Project directory:

    $ pytest --plots

    This fails immediately with

    usage: pytest [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...]
    pytest: error: unrecognized arguments: --plots
      inifile: /.../Project/pytest.ini
      rootdir: /.../Project

    If I add the package directory, the run goes fine:

    $ pytest src/proj --plots
    rootdir: /.../Project, inifile: pytest.ini

    It also goes well if I specify the tests sub-directory:

    $ pytest src/proj/tests --plots
    rootdir: /.../Project, inifile: pytest.ini
  2. The second way is to run the test function of the package itself. The test function is defined in Project/src/proj/ like this:

    def test(*args, **kwargs):
        from pytest import main
        cmd = ['--pyargs', 'proj.tests']
        return main(cmd, **kwargs)

    The function is intended to be run after Project is installed like this:

    >>> import proj
    >>> proj.test()

    Generally, this works OK, but if I do

    >>> proj.test('--plots')

    I get the same error as usual:

    usage:  [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...]
    : error: unrecognized arguments: --plots
      inifile: None
      rootdir: /some/other/folder

    For this test, I ran python develop and then cd'dto/some/other/folder` to make sure everything installed correctly.

My goal is to have both options working correctly when I pass in the --plots command line option. It seems that I have found a workaround for option #1, which is to manually pass in one of the packages to pytest, but I don't even fully understand how that works (why can I pass in either src/proj or src/proj/tests?).

So the question is, how to I get pytest to consistently run my test package so that the correct gets picked up? I am willing to consider just about any reasonable alternative that allows me to get the --plots option working consistently in both the source (running in a shell from Project) version and the proj.test() version.

For reference, here is my pytest.ini file:

# pytest.ini

testpaths = src/skg/tests
confcutdir = src/skg/tests

It doesn't appear to make any difference.

I am running with pytest 3.8.0, on Pythons 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 (in anaconda). In all versions, the results are reproducible.

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