lundi 26 novembre 2018

Mocking a returned object with Jest

Consider the following case:

// File: A.js
export class A {
    constructor(b) {
        this.b = b;

    sayHello() {

        // ...

// File: A.test.js

test('should say hello', () => {
    const a = new A(new B());

    a.sayHello(); // <-- error: "Cannot read property 'sayHello' of undefined" 

    // ...

As you see, the class B is mocked, so it can't access it's dependency (class C) to call a method on it, hence throwing the following error:

error: "Cannot read property 'sayHello' of undefined"

The approaches I tried to no avail include:

  1. Adding a jest.mock('./C') line to A.test.js file
  2. Creating a __mocks__/A.js manual mock

So, how should cases like these (nested dependencies) be mocked out in Jest?

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