vendredi 1 février 2019

when loading tempView empty string is shown as null

I am running some tests in spark. For that I'm loading a csv file to compare my results against.

My etalon


This is how I'm loading the file
      .option("delimiter", ";")
      .option("nullValue", "NULL")

This is my schema

  val fields = Seq(
    StructField("balance", StringType, nullable = true),
    StructField("status", StringType, nullable = true),
    StructField("status_date", DateType, nullable = true),
    StructField("time_key", StringType, nullable = true)
  val schema = StructType(fields)

For some reason balance and status are loaded as NULL when they should be empty strings.

|balance|status|status_date|  time_key|
|   null|  null|       null|2017-03-21|
|   null|  null|       null|2017-03-21|
|   null|  null|       null|2017-03-21|
|   null|  null|       null|2017-03-21|
|   null|  null|       null|2017-03-21|
|   null|  null|       null|2017-03-21|
|   null|  null|       null|2017-03-21|

Why is that and how can I have it shown as empty string?

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