lundi 15 avril 2019

How do I test asynchronous function throwing error with Tape?

I'm trying to test an async function that calls an API using Tape but I don't seem to be having much luck. I've used Mocha/Chai and Jasmine before but I'm not sure how to do what I want here.

This is the function I want to test

const logicGetMovies = async (genre, page) => {

  numCheck(genre, 'genre')
  numCheck(page, 'page')

  const url = `${genre}&api_key=${process.env.API_KEY}&page=${page}&sort_by=vote_average.desc`

  try {
    return await axios.get(url)
  } catch (e) {
    throw new APIError(e.message)

which relies on two helper functions that throw APIErrors (my own Error type)

const numCheck = (num, name) => {
  if (!num) throw new APIError(`${name} is missing`)
  if (typeof num !== 'number' || num <= 0) throw new APIError(`${name} must be a number greater than 0`)

const stringCheck = (string, name) => {
  if (!string) throw new APIError(`${name} is missing`)
  if (typeof string !== 'string') throw new APIError(`${name} must be of type string`)

I've tried this Tape test but it both fails and the error isn't caught

const test = require('tape')
const logic = require('../../logic')
const APIError = require('../../logic/APIError')

test('getMovies should throw error with missing genre',(t) =>{
  t.throws(logic.logicGetMovies(null,1),APIError,'genre is missing')


I tried changing it to async but that didn't help.

const test = require('tape')
const logic = require('../../logic')
const APIError = require('../../logic/APIError')

test('getMovies should throw error with missing genre', async (t) => {
  t.throws(logic.logicGetMovies(null, 1), APIError, 'genre is missing')

Clearly I'm lost here. Any clues or answers would be much appreciated!

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